16 Aug 2024

IMPORTANT COMMUNICATION - Iveco Suppliers and Dealers

Subject: Change of corporate name to IVG BRASIL LTDA.


Dear Supplier,


We hereby inform you that as of August 13th, 2024, IVECO has changed its corporate name from ON-HIGHWAY BRASIL LTDA to IVG BRASIL LTDA, headquartered at Rodovia MG-238, S/N, Km 73.5, Bloco II, Sala IVG, Distrito Industrial Norte, Municipality of Sete Lagoas, State of Minas Gerais, Zip Code: 35.703-138.


It is important to highlight that the brand, trade name IVECO, and the CNPJ (nº 36.519.422/0001-15) remains the same. The IDV brand continues to operate through the same CNPJ (nº 36.519.422/0001-15), and must follow the same corporate name (IVG BRASIL LTDA). Related to FPT Industrial Brasil LTDA no information have been changed.


According to the information above, IVECO and IDV requests that you make the necessary adjustments based on this communication, in your systems and documentation issued in the future.


Certain of your understanding, we are at your disposal.


Yours sincerely,